Tuesday 11 February 2020


Last Sunday we were able to watch Gala 4. It was a very expected gala for different reasons. One of them is that the grupal song was composed by one of the competitors. However, everybody, including the competitors, where surprised when a video of Gérard and Anne kissing was showed. The audience was crazy, the competitors were shocked; and the faces of this couple clearly showed that they didn't expect that. In the video you have under the entry, you can see find more information about this moment. For one day, the performances weren't the most commented thing of the gala. Twitter, Instagram, and every existent social media were on fire at the time of the nominations. Concretely, the valuations made by Natalia Jiménez left no one indifferent. First, she said that Anaju didn't sing her song with the power the original singer does; and then she told Anne that falsete was requiered in that song. The audience was very happy when Noemi Galera, directrice of the academy, said her that: With respect of Anaju, they aren't in an imitation program. Refering to Anne's performance, she said that she was never told to do falsete, and that is why she did not do it. Finally Anne was saved by the teachers and Eva by the colleagues. Finally, the nominated are Aanaju, who will sing a Nathy Peluso's song; and Javy, who will sing "Qué sabrá Neruda", his own song that will be released next Friday.

Sunday 9 February 2020


In this entry I will introduce last 8 competitors of OT2020:

Resultado de imagen de SAMANTHA ot POSADO OFICIALResultado de imagen de FLAVIO ot POSADO OFICIALFLAVIO
He is 19 and he has been studying music for 12 years. He is studying the superior studies of piano in Murcia (Where he is from), but he also plays the guitar and the trumpet.
Resultado de imagen de NIA ot POSADO OFICIALShe is from Alicante and she is 25 years old. She mostly deaf, since she has a 60% less of hearing. However, she has studied singing for 8 years and she is starting with the piano. She also plays the guitar and the ukelele.

Resultado de imagen de RAFA ot POSADO OFICIAL

She is from Canarias, and she has a huge experience in the music business. Besides being part of a musical group, she has participated in the Lion King Musical, and she dances so well!
Resultado de imagen de JAVY ot POSADO OFICIALResultado de imagen de JESUS ot POSADO OFICIALHe is 25 years old and he is from Cordoba. He started studying financial studies, but he left it to study dramatic arts. He plays the ukelele, and he composes his own songs.

He is from Cadiz and he is 21. He is studying 2nd grade of Bachillerate, since he left it because she was working as a waiter. He has learnt to play the piano and the guitar by is own, and he also likes to compose.
Resultado de imagen de ELI OT POSADO OFICIALJESÚS
Resultado de imagen de ARIADNA OT POSADO OFICIAL He is also from Cadiz, and he is 24. He studied a degree in ITC, so the only musical formation he has is what he learnt in his village and from youtube videos.

She is 18 years old and she is from Barcelona, but she moved to Madrid to look for more profesional oportunities. Eventhought she studied a make up degree, her real pasion is music.
She is 19 years old and she is from Canarias. She studied the Arts Bachillerato, but she left the superior degree she was studying because she wanted to dedicate to music. She has morte than 70 proper song recorded.


In this entry I will introduce 8 competitors of OT2020:

Resultado de imagen de gerard ot2020"GÉRARD
Resultado de imagen de huigo otPOSADO OFICIALHe is a 20 year old guy that has been dedicating is life to music since he was 6 years old. Besides having perfect pitch, he is doing the superior studies of guitar; and he also plays piano. Eventhough he is from Ceuta, he lives in Sevilla.
HUGOResultado de imagen de anne ot2020"Resultado de imagen de maialen ot 2020"
He is also 20 years, but he has also been into music since he was 13, when he started uploading covers on youtube and playing the guitar and singing in the street. He is from Cordoba.
She is Pamplona, and with only 18 years old, she is one of the youngers competitors of this edition. She has studied violin, cello, singing and ballet; and she learnt to play the ukelele by herself.
Resultado de imagen de bruno ot 2020"MAIALENResultado de imagen de nick
She is also from Pamplona, and she is 25 years old. She started studying psicology, but she left her studies because she wanted to dedicate to music. Her artistic name is "Chica Sobresalto" and she has learnt to play guitar by herself.
He is from Uruguay, but he lives in Madrid. He plays piano, percusion and guitar, and nowadays he works in an spectacule of percusion made with recicled materials. He is 25 years old.
Resultado de imagen de ana ot POSADO OFICIALHe is 19 years old, and he is from Barcelona. His story is so sad, since he has been in host families all his life. However, music has made him go ahead always. He has participated in various projects working as a DJ in Los 40 Summer Festival.
Resultado de imagen de eva ot POSADO OFICIALANAJU
She is 25 years los and she is from Zaragoza, where she studied publicita and and social relationships. She has studied dance and ballet, and she learnt to play piano, ukelele and guitar by her own.

She is from La Coruña, Galicia; and she is studying dramatic arts there. She has worked as a free time monitor, and also she has done some performances in the gallegan TV.